Our faith


Our program is run within the context of a Christian worldview. Our faith is why we do what we do and how we do what we do (with love).

Faith is the foundation of all we do and moves us to action. Our goal is that each boy learns his value as a person and learns to function well at home, school, and in his community.

The basis of our faith is that God is our Creator and has made each person of immense value. This gives us patience to love as Jesus loved, in giving of ourselves to serve others. People are invited to participate, but never coerced.

We come from a variety of Christian backgrounds, including traditional Mennonite, Mennonite Brethren, and others.

fall leaves_beauty of creation

What we believe


Our Christian faith tells us that each individual is of immense value, and from this perspective, we work hard to help each boy discover his value as an individual and how to live that out in our world.


God is the creator of the wilderness around us. We marvel at the intricacies and beauty of his design.


Our faith is personal, based on a relationship with God. He isn’t just a cosmic deity, but a real Person who we can know and walk with every day.


Faith is an invitation, not a decree. All are invited to experience faith, but none are coerced. It is always a personal choice.


Just as Jesus gave up his life for us, so also we are called to give up our own selves to serve other people.

The Bible

The Bible is our source of truth. We believe it is the inspired Word of God and is the truth we submit our lives to.