Stories of lasting change
They see beyond the surface of the child…
At the beginning, in considering a camp for our son, we were apprehensive. But now we highly recommend Crane Lake Discovery Camp to other parents.
“I am very proud of my son”
When he returned home, he had grown taller, was of clear mind, and learned respect for himself and others. He was goal focused and able to enter Grade 9 healthy and happy.
A parent’s story
We kept expecting the phone call that we always seemed to get, “we have to send him home, this just is not working out” but it never came; in fact, when the going got tough they wanted him to stay longer!
A former camper’s story
After my parents divorced, I feared rejection. The time we spent together as a group really bonded us and showed me I could trust others. Now, I’m married and expecting our first baby.
A mom’s story
Jacob came home the first summer as a changed boy, his attitude, outlook on life, his whole demeanour had changed for the better.
A struggling youth finds hope
Camp teaches you how to respect yourself and love yourself so you can improve from your mistakes. Every time anyone made a mistake or an accident happened, there was no panic of judgment; we worked together as one and fixed it no matter how long it took.
A counsellor’s perspective
As counsellors, our roles included anything from doctor, parent, teacher, to fishing guide, nutritionist, and referee. Determining what to speak—and when—was the most important task at each moment.