
Ways to donate

Your gifts make a big difference in the lives of boys and their families, helping them discover hope and lasting change. Here’s how you can donate:

boys smiling because of their stay at Crane Lake Discovery Camp

Did you know…?
We don’t turn boys away from camp based on finances. Instead, we trust that God will provide for each boy’s stay.


At Crane Lake Discovery Camp, we don’t turn anyone away based on their finances. Caregivers pay what they can afford, and then we cover the rest of their fees from the Josh Weber Camper Support Fund.

Would you consider donating to sponsor a boy at Crane Lake Discovery Camp? While we can’t designate funds for one specific boy, your donation will help a family that is struggling.

  • Sponsor a boy for 1 day: $150

  • Sponsor a boy for 1 week: $1,000

  • Sponsor a boy for 1 month: $4,000

To donate to this fund, specify when you donate that it is for the Josh Weber Camper Support Fund.

experiential education_a boy with the critter he found

We also welcome gifts of:

  • food items, like meat and eggs

  • books for our library

  • building materials

  • recreation items, like canoes,, skates, or snowshoes

  • clothing items for boys, particularly winter wear

  • time and skills (read more about volunteering)

Contact us if you have something to donate or for more information.

Fiscal responsibility

We value the gifts you share with us, and promise to treat your gifts with respect and integrity.

We are frugal. We are careful when we spend money, getting multiple quotes for building projects and looking for ways to cut costs. Because of the generous donations of time, skilled labour, and building materials, most of our building projects have cost only half of the budgeted amount. We are amazed at the generosity of people and God’s provision.

We value people. We do not turn boys away from camp based on finances. We ask caregivers to pay what they can afford, and trust God to provide the rest through his people.

Our Supporters

We are so grateful for the donations of time, money, and materials from many people and companies. Here are just a few of them.