Admissions: for parents
A note for parents and caregivers
We recognize the physical, emotional and psychological impact of raising a child with behavioural and mental health concerns. We know that the road to change is often lonely, long, and quite uncertain.
At Crane Lake Discovery Camp, our goal is always the healthy reintegration of a boy back into his home, school, and community.
Throughout your boy’s time at camp, our Family Worker remains in close contact with you. Parents and caregivers are a key part of their boy’s progress and remain active participants in his life. We are in this together. You are not alone.
What do we promise you?
Regular calls or emails from our Family Worker to update you on your boy.
Regular letters home, written by your boy.
Support from our Family Worker before and after Home Visits (every 6 weeks).
A comprehensive evaluation conference (every 4 months).
Support from our Family Worker to explore new techniques of parenting, as needed.
What do we expect from you?
Commit to being an active participant in your boy’s progress.
Contribute financially to tuition, as agreed upon (with our geared-to-income scale).
Provide clothes or other supplies for your boy, as needed.
Support your boy’s goals on Home Visits (every 6 weeks).
Attend an evaluation conference at the camp (every 4 months).
Be open to working on family goals, with the support of our Family Worker.
Going home
As your boy completes his goals, and nears graduations, we will work with you on a transition plan. We will work together on goals and talk about how to help your boy access his new skills at home and school. We will also meet with school staff to help him reintegrate successfully back into his classes. We remain in contact with you after he moves home, supporting you and your boy.
Are you ready to get started?
The first step is just to fill out the form.
Then you can expect a call from us. We’ll start the conversation on what your boy needs and how camp can help. There will be lots of time to answer your questions. Best of all, you are not alone.